Tamera Bennett Joins Harper & Bates LLP; Entertainment Law Year In Review

Watch or listen to the latest Entertainment Law Update Podcast with music lawyer Tamera Bennett and film attorney Gordon Firemark.

Tamera H. Bennett Joins Harper & Bates LLP

To fulfill her mission statement of helping the people she can help the most, effective January 2025, Tamera H. Bennett joined the law firm of Harper & Bates, LLP as a partner. Their skill and experience in business litigation and intellectual property are a perfect complement to Tamera’s trademark, copyright, content licensing, and music law practice.  By combining their legal insight and experiences, they can help more people as they empower businesses, brands, inventors, entertainers, athletes, authors, and musicians.

Corporate Transparency Act (and BOIR) Still Enjoined

On December 26, 2024, the nationwide preliminary injunction blocking enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is still enjoined.

Copyright Law Corner Update

Protecting the look, feel, and style of a visual artwork falls under trade-dress, not copyright.

2024 Round-Up of Top Entertainment Law Cases

Join Tamera and Gordon for their unscientific review of the top legal issues and cases in entertainment law in 2024.

These cases and much more on this Episode of Entertainment Law Update with inherited copyright lawyer Tamera Bennett and film, TV, and podcast lawyer Gordon Firemark.

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Tamera H. Bennett

Tamera H. Bennett is a wife, mom, lawyer, mediator, blogger, podcaster, and legal writer. For two decades she’s helped clients protect what they create by practicing trademark, copyright and entertainment law in Texas and Tennessee.

Tamera has co-hosted more than 85 episodes of the Entertainment Law Update Podcast since 2009. And, she’s been honored to write for BILLBOARD magazine and the TEXAS LAWYER.

In the summer of 2015, Tamera backpacked 100 miles over 10 days with her son's Boy Scout Troop. Tamera walked her first half-marathon in 2012 and walked the Cowtown Half Marathon in February 2016 and February 2017 with a PR each time. You can visit Tamera’s blog at createprotect.com and follow her on Twitter @tamerabennett.


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