Think Like A Fan - A TedX Talk - Building Your Fanbase

Our future as business people and artists is dependent upon our ability to think like a fan.
— Bob Moczydlowsky

Bob Moczydlowsky, Twitter's head of Music, talks about building a fan base by giving away the best of what you, the artist/talent, has to offer.  He discusses how Drake and Jimmy Fallon effectively use Twitter and other social media sites to connect with their fans. And, talks about how a $4 beer created "The Best Night Ever" for Kid Rock fans.

Moczydlowsky is charged with developing music-related partnerships and strengthening Twitter's relationships with influential artists.

What do you think? After watching the TedX talk, should artists/talent give away the best for free?

TED Talks are licensed under the Creative Commons license "Attribution - NonCommercial - NonDerivative"

Tamera H. Bennett

Tamera H. Bennett is a wife, mom, lawyer, mediator, blogger, podcaster, and legal writer. For two decades she’s helped clients protect what they create by practicing trademark, copyright and entertainment law in Texas and Tennessee.

Tamera has co-hosted more than 85 episodes of the Entertainment Law Update Podcast since 2009. And, she’s been honored to write for BILLBOARD magazine and the TEXAS LAWYER.

In the summer of 2015, Tamera backpacked 100 miles over 10 days with her son's Boy Scout Troop. Tamera walked her first half-marathon in 2012 and walked the Cowtown Half Marathon in February 2016 and February 2017 with a PR each time. You can visit Tamera’s blog at and follow her on Twitter @tamerabennett.

Lettuce Turnip The Beat - Protecting Slogans as Trademarks


Entertainment Law Update Podcast Episode 53