New Trademark Filing Fees and New USPTO Website
The US Patent and Trademark Office launched their new website. The site, dedicated to the filing and prosecution of federal patent and trademark applications, provides a more user-friendly platform for filing documents and researching trademark applications and registrations. Watch the video above for a quick tutorial on the new trademark office website. I will say after further poking around the site, the back-end for searching TEAS and TSDR have not yet been revised.
Effective January 17, 2015, federal trademark application fees were revised into four filing classifications.
- A paper trademark application is $375.00 per international class.
- An electronic TEAS RF application is $275.00 per international class.
- An electronic TEAS Plus application is $225.00 per international class.
- An electronic TEAS application is $325.00 per international class.
Confused about which electronic application is right for you? Take a look at this video explaining when each application is appropriate.