Flower Mound High School Band - 6th In Grand Nationals
Flower Mound HS, TX placed 5th at Music for All's 2014 Bands of America Grand National Championships. Click picture to watch video.
Congratulations to the Flower Mound High School marching band for taking 6th place in the 2014 Bands of America Grand Nationals competition held in the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Ind. Nov. 12-15. -- an amazing accomplishment for the band's first appearance in the national competition.
According to the Bands of America website, "vividly shocking colors wrapped the band in harmonic tapestries, inspired by the environmental artwork of Christo and Jeanne-Claude, who famously wrapped buildings, islands and large expanses of nature and apparently, a large box of nine bassoonists. Colors of the most famous wrappings by the artists permeated the show, making even the most colorblind person see in technicolor."
“Vividly shocking colors wrapped the band in harmonic tapestries...”
In fact, the artist Christo reached out to the band via a letter to wish them well in the competition just days before the event!
Great job FloMo. You brought the MoJo.
(Yes, I'm a proud band parent and thrilled our child had the fantastic opportunity to march at Grand Nats.)