When Your Legal Blog Takes On The World

World dominance wasn't our goal. But, a little blog featuring current issues on trademark, copyright and entertainment law has readers from 128 countries.

One thing trademark lawyer Tamera Bennett enjoys is helping U.S. clients protect their trademarks and copyrights in foreign countries. Most people don't realize that a federal U.S. trademark registration does not extend to Canada, Mexico or other foreign countries.

When your brand is launching outside the United States of America, you need a plan for protecting your trademark in foreign countries. There may be certain benefits to timing the filing of trademark applications in foreign territories based on when you file a trademark application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Give Texas trademark lawyer Tamera Bennett a call when you are ready to take on the world.

Tamera H. Bennett

Tamera H. Bennett is a wife, mom, lawyer, mediator, blogger, podcaster, and legal writer. For two decades she’s helped clients protect what they create by practicing trademark, copyright and entertainment law in Texas and Tennessee.

Tamera has co-hosted more than 85 episodes of the Entertainment Law Update Podcast since 2009. And, she’s been honored to write for BILLBOARD magazine and the TEXAS LAWYER.

In the summer of 2015, Tamera backpacked 100 miles over 10 days with her son's Boy Scout Troop. Tamera walked her first half-marathon in 2012 and walked the Cowtown Half Marathon in February 2016 and February 2017 with a PR each time. You can visit Tamera’s blog at createprotect.com and follow her on Twitter @tamerabennett.


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Entertainment Law Update Podcast - Episodes 63 and 64 - Tamera Bennett and Gordon Firemark